Sunday 30 November 2014

My Ambition

Hi my Name is Kyle, when i share with people and my family that i want to follow my Passion and Achieve Greatness, they look at me Funny. "They say get a job and work your way up" or go get good grades in school, go univsersity and get a career. But in this economy there's hardly any employment available to the working class, nevermind young people. I Feel like im trapped, ive been working since the age of 16 and now im 21 i find it extremely unsatisfiying.

I tend to analyse the Average Working People and this is what i found they do with the 40 hour week plan. 
  • Wake up at 5am, by an alarm, leap out of bed and eat 
  • Warm up car, Get stuck in traffic on the way to work.
  • Feeling annoyed or stressed on the way.
  • Go home and do a quick dinner. 
  • Sit down and watch TV, Have a Beer.
  • Go to bed, Ready for Tomorrow.
  • Repeat. 
I do appriciate and admire working people for the grind, maybe because they're stuck paying off their mortage payments or car finance or other general bills. More than likely they feel they have to work. But i noticed the more hours you do, the more TAX you pay. I also found some reasearch that in Europe, if you earn up to 30K+ a year, you will get tax 40 percent of what your earn. (Is this true?). 
This is a prime example of why I want to achieve my passion, I want to find ideas how to generate money online and offline. To Create a Bussiness and be financially independent before the age of 30. I also want to see how far i could go into a football/soccer career, its my Boyhood Dream. 

I LOVE this quote Steve Jobs Once said 

I know this is not going to be easy for me, i probably have to struggle to get by with only a little part time job. I've applied to several full time Vancancies but no replys back. So im going to go after what's mine. I need to re-programe my brain and nurish my Mind, Body,Soul. 
I'll be posting motivating quotes, images and videos to keep me going. If YOU want a better life for youself, your more then welcome to visit this blog to inpower yourselfs. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. please share your inspirational experiences in the comments below.

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