Saturday 19 September 2015

5 Ways To Make The People Around You Feel Great

5 Ways To Make The People Around You Feel Great

We all have a few things in common. In today's society everybody wants to be liked, loved, and happy. Some people make us feel valued. Some people make us feel special. But others can make us feel worthless, unimportant, and small.

Many old leaders and new believe that people matter, we must become masters at making people feel great to build and maintain lasting relationships, consistently influence the people around us, to always make people feel better about themselves, and to become the kind of people everyone wants to be around.
This is possible and you don’t have to read a whole book of 200 pages leadership book to learn and grow.
Here are 5 ways leaders successfully make the people around them feel great:

  •      Put Your Stuff Away – Don’t ever have your phone or computer out while in a conversation. NO.1 ‘respect’

  •        Use a Person’s Name in Conversation – This requires you remember it when they tell you :)
  •        Ask Them to Teach you Something – Everyone has something to offer, let them shine.

  •         Be Authentically Interested – Lean in, keep eye contact, and listen way more than you talk.

  •         Shine the Spotlight on them – In group settings, share someone’s talent, a good story about them, or what you like about them.

What are some other ways you that help people feel great? Tell me in the comments below.  

Ps don't forget to check out my new website/blog:
Twitter: @IMabundant

5 amazing Ways to Fight Negativity.

5 amazing Ways to Fight Negativity. 

In recent studies, negativity is shown in a form as addiction.

“A negative mind will never get you a positive life.”
I believe when you are negative, you have negatives thoughts, feelings, and emotions the universe will bring negative back because that’s what you are manifesting at the present moment.
But to whom is reading this article, you are not alone, there many people who struggle with it. I’ve written down 5 ways anyone can fight off negativity.
5 Ways to Fight Negativity
  •  Take control of your brain: You’re mind is powerful. You choose positive or negative. It’s time to shift. Invest in yourself with Positive music/audios and books.
  •  Stop Watching the News: Today’s media is 98% negative. “GET AWAY FROM IT”
  • Write a list of everything you’re thankful for: No matter how big or small.
  •  Stop using negative words: Replace can’t with can, won’t with will, no with yes, tired with excited, and frustrated with understanding.

  •    Have fun every day: Plan one thing per day that’s fun. Go to a bar, go shopping, go for a run, and go to the movies. Do something you love each day. J

Have you struggled with negativity? What has helped you fight back? Let me know in the comments below. 
Ps don't forget to check out my new website/blog:
Twitter: @IMabundant 

3 serious questions to confirming your Purpose.

3 serious questions to confirming your Purpose.

Living a life without regret is insane. Me personally when I was younger I wish I did something in a certain way or ask that girl out on a date and missed opportunities, that I didn’t take upon.

 “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”
But in the end, we can’t do it all. ‘We are only human’ You see many successful people who came from nothing to something, but was it all them? No… they have a team behind them.  We all realize life is moving faster and faster to our final day and we understand a life without regret is impractical, but how do we live life with less regret? How can we chase our dreams, live our passion, and love our lives all at the same time?
3 Critical Questions to Confirming Your Purpose:
1 1.  What are you most passionate about? 

  •         Online Marketing 
  •          Entrepreneurship
  •          God
  •         Pets
  •          Fitness and health

2. Who’s most important to you? 

  • Family 
  • Best Friend
  • Spouse
  • Cousin
  • Strangers

3. Where is your favourite place on earth? 

  • America 
  • Mexico 
  •  England 
  • Fiji

Beautiful souls who are reading this, if you’re doing what you’re passionate about, happy and with the people most important to you also living in a place that excites you are living the dream my friend.

Now, have a deep think or meditate on it to answer these 3 questions. Make sure you taking action! Lets make this end of the year great.

What are you passionate about? Tell me in the comments below… 
Ps don't forget to check out my new website/blog:
Twitter: @IMabundant